TGS digging brings fresh weed seeds to the surface, facilitating infestations of noxious weeds, some of which are toxic to livestock. TGS can decrease available forage by up to 49%. In addition to direct crop loss and increased input costs, TGS can damage underground irrigation, drainage systems and wiring, and mounds can slow harvest and damage harvesting equipment. According to Mr. Nelson: “the reduction in alfalfa and other crop yields combined with the cost of controlling them is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in western Utah alone. Current control programs such as shooting, flooding, treating with zinc phosphide, and using fumigants have not been effective.”
Field Trial Highlights: Three spot bait applications (one-quarter cup or ~2 oz. per spot) totaling a combined 6-7 lbs. per acre applied over two weeks resulted in effective TGS control documented by two independent census methods.
Labeled use patterns: The SLNs for Rozol Vole Bait permit its use on Townsend’s ground squirrels in fallow agricultural land, rangeland and border areas / buffer strips adjacent to crops. It can be applied via spot baiting around burrows or via secured, tamper-resistant bait stations.

Rozol Vole Bait for TGS is made with 0.005% chlorophacinone invented by Liphatech. There is no need to pre-treat making it easy-to-use, and its quick acceptance means less repeat applications, resulting in labor savings for a low applied cost per acre. Rozol Vole Bait for TGS is formulated as a paraffinized weather-resistant pellet, and is available in convenient, economical 50 lb. bags. The SLN label must be in the possession of the user at the time of application. For more information, see the entire SLN label: EPA SLN Nos. ID 180001, NV-180001, UT 18-0009.
Stewardship: Liphatech offers integrated pest management training to fit diverse meeting schedules. This content is ideal for continuing education events for landowners at farm dealers, crop/ranch association or county extension meetings. To find out more, contact Michael Brownell (Valier, MT) with details about your event at: brownellm@liphatech.com or 414-559-4436.
Controlling Other Field Rodents: Rozol is also available in other restricted-use pesticide formulations and labels for the control of pocket gophers and voles (meadow mice). Rozol’s pocket gopher bait label (a treated grain formulation, EPA#7173-244) allows below-ground application using a mechanical burrow builder or probe. Rozol’s Vole Bait label (formulated as a weather- resistant paraffinized pellet, EPA#7173-242) allows broadcast use in dormant orchards and year- round use on border areas and buffer strips around crop fields.

Liphatech specializes in servicing agricultural and animal health markets, in addition to pest management professionals. Its product line also includes: FastDraw®, Revolver®, Cannon™ soft bait rodenticides, Hombre™, BootHill®, and Gunslinger® block rodenticides, as well as Metarex Snail & Slug Bait® and Aegis® tamper-resistant bait stations. Bait formulations include: soft bait, treated grains, manufactured mini-blocks, bulk pellets, and pellet-place-packs. For more information about Liphatech, its comprehensive line of products, and /or to find a Rozol dealer near you call 888-331-7900 or visit www.liphatech.com.