Lallemand Animal Nutrition announces the launch of MAGNIVA Forage Inoculants for producers in the United States and Canada. The MAGNIVA range consolidates more than 20 years of proven results, expertise and industry application to make it easier for producers to choose a forage inoculant that addresses their specific needs.
“This change unifies the Lallemand Animal Nutrition forage inoculant portfolio into a single brand while providing our customers with the best possible options for their circumstances,” says Bob Charley, Ph.D., Forage Products Manager, Lallemand Animal Nutrition. “The brand MAGNIVA describes the range’s ability to magnify the value of preserved feeds. Controlling the cost of production on-farm is crucial to maximizing profitability, and our goal with the MAGNIVA range is to help producers control silage quality and deliver consistency year after year.”
The range has been developed around products that are challenge-specific to match the specific needs of individual operations. The formulations of Lallemand Animal Nutrition’s four current core products — Biotal® Buchneri 500, Biotal Plus II, Sil-All® Activate and Nova-Sile® — will remain the same and align under the MAGNIVA brand.
MAGNIVA Titanium maximizes dry matter, nutrient retention, feed digestibility and aerobic stability to deliver the maximum stable, high-quality and palatable feed. MAGNIVA Titanium drives a fast, efficient ensiling fermentation and reduces spoilage during feedout when exposed to air. It achieves these results by combining elite, lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB) at proven-effective dose rates with high-activity enzymes. The brand was previously marketed as Biotal Buchneri 500.
MAGNIVA Silver improves dry matter retention, retains nutrients, improves feed digestibility and helps maintain stability at feedout, which gives producers more high-quality feed. Two specifically selected strains of bacteria and high-activity enzymes are combined to drive and direct the fermentation for a quick pH drop, reducing up-front losses and heating when exposed to oxygen during feedout. MAGNIVA Silver was previously sold as Biotal Plus II.
MAGNIVA Classic retains dry matter and nutrients for more available feed with a higher nutrient content that optimizes the value of the overall ration. This combination of LAB and enzymes helps drive a fast, efficient fermentation and lactic acid production for a stable, low final pH — putting producers in control of their silage quality. The brand was previously marketed as Sil-All Activate.
MAGNIVA Basic promotes an efficient fermentation to reduce overall feed losses. MAGNIVA Basic was previously sold as Nova-Sile and will only be available in the United States.

All products will be available in 200-gram and 1-kilogram pouches, treating 100 and 500 tons of silage, respectively. Organic-use products are available in the United States and Canada, information available upon request.
“The MAGNIVA range is proven to provide reliable performance in all crops,” Dr. Charley says. “Along with trusted products, the MAGNIVA range comes with on-farm services including silage assessments and technical expertise, to improve the value of forage and producers’ profitability. We look forward to bringing new products to market under the MAGNIVA name to give producers even more opportunities to enhance their silage stocks.”