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Stewarding the land, water and other natural resources in geographies where land-use goals are as unique as the varying soils, elevations and habitats presents special challenges. HighNoon helps simplify land stewardship, whether managing for livestock grazing, wildlife and game birds or maintaining roadsides and rights-of-way, or — as often the case — a combination of objectives.
“In many states where noxious and invasive weeds pose the primary broadleaf weed threat, there is significant crossover among rangeland, pasture, roadsides and other noncrop use sites,” explained John Kalthoff, Category Lead at Corteva Agriscience. “Ranchers, county noxious weed directors and vegetation managers working on roadsides, utility substations or rights-of-way need a weed control option that simplifies the job. HighNoon does that — without sacrificing results.”
HighNoon contains the same active ingredients as DuraCor® herbicide, providing a single product that controls broadleaf weeds, delivers residual weed control and stops several undesirable woody species — but with application flexibility across a wide range of sites.
HighNoon supports an abundant, high-quality forage base by taking out the toughest-to-control broadleaf weeds and woody plants, including biennial thistles (musk thistle, bull thistle), perennial Canada thistle, Palmer amaranth, wild carrot, poison hemlock, common burdock, pigweed, common mullein, common tansy, whitetop, houndstongue, buckbrush, and many others.
Enhancing annual grass control programs
The recent rise of winter annual grasses across many Western states poses a relatively new threat against varying land-use goals. Whether it’s ventenata, medusahead or cheatgrass (downy brome), dealing with these species has grown in importance among rangeland managers.
These grasses offer minimal forage value to livestock or wildlife, crowd out perennial forage grasses, create monocultures ill-suited for grazing or habitat and pose a serious wildfire threat. Treatment programs can be effective, but most leave bare ground. Nature commonly fills these voids with broadleaf weeds — often invasive species.
HighNoon provides tank-mix flexibility with most annual grass control products, adding a critical broadleaf weed control component to these programs.
“HighNoon plays an important role in integrated programs designed to reclaim rangeland lost to winter annual grasses,” Kalthoff said. “Often, these programs incorporate reseeding with competitive perennial forage grasses.” Including HighNoon helps keep broadleaf weeds at bay until the newly seeded grasses take off.
Corteva anticipates HighNoon will be available for the 2022 treatment season across the Mountain West states, specifically west of the Missouri River in North Dakota and South Dakota, plus Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, New Mexico and Nevada, and the eastern two-thirds of Washington and Oregon. Visit to learn more.
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