Today the W. D. Hoard Company, publisher of Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay & Forage Grower magazines, announced the launch of FOCUS programmatic technology for buyers of digital advertising targeted to the dairy, alfalfa, hay and corn silage markets.
“Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay & Forage Grower, are in contact with U.S. producers on a continuous basis through the magazines, weekly email newsletters, webinars, dynamic websites and many event based activities,” said John Mansavage, Audience Marketing Manager. “Now our programmatic platforms, Hoard’s Dairyman FOCUS and Hay & Forage Grower FOCUS, allow advertisers to target producers with pinpoint accuracy using virtually any demographic or geographic profile. This is a game-changer for marketers and a significant addition to our digital solutions for advertisers,” he added.
Marketers entering these programmatic platforms will benefit from best-in-class technology partners who are Google preferred and provide the latest processes to optimize the performance of every campaign. Absolute transparency and continuous statistical analysis allow for a campaign’s performance evaluation while underway. Additional post-campaign studies will show historical performance of geographic and demographic segments giving marketers greater ability to pinpoint potential customers.
The Hoard’s Dairyman FOCUS database provides access to a wide array of dairy farm demographics that can be paired with geographic selections for the ultimate in targeted marketing. Hay & Forage Grower FOCUS provides similar targeted reach to alfalfa, hay, corn silage and beef producers. Campaigns in each market can also be developed to reach all devices in a defined geography or all mobile users inside an even more tightly focused area.
“Delivering the highest quality advertising environment that meets the demands of advertisers is what our company has been doing for over 130 years,” stated Mansavage. “The Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay & Forage Grower FOCUS programmatic platforms are the natural evolution of our service and support to ag marketers,” he added.
ABOUT W.D. HOARD COMPANY – Publisher of Hoard’s Dairyman and Hay & Forage Grower magazines and the only ag publisher with its own dairy farm, milking 500 cows, located in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin since 1885.