“We feel it’s vital to give back to agricultural communities in any way we can,” says Brett Davis, Vice President, New Holland, North America. “One way of recognizing producers is through this giveaway, but we also wanted to contribute to the future of our industry. FFA and 4-H Canada are non-profits that have extremely impactful programs, and we are honored to give back to these organizations. These non-profits are very close to our hearts as many of our employees are alumni and volunteer with these organizations in their local communities.”
New Holland announced The Great New Holland Haytools Giveaway at Farm Progress Show 2019 and it will run through March 1, 2020. The prizes awarded through the giveaway are valued at more than $400,000 USD (over $500,000 CAD) and feature five cutting-edge haytools, making it one of the biggest haytools giveaways ever. This includes a special-edition Blue Power T6.180 Dynamic Command Transmission tractor with 855LA loader, Discbine® 313 mower-conditioner, Rolabar® 230 rake, Roll-Belt™ 560 Specialty Crop Plus round baler, and a special-edition blue L228 skid steer loader with bale grapple. The promotion will select five grand prize winners, one per piece of equipment, and award smaller prizes throughout the contest, including farm toys, aftermarket gifts and merchandise.
Producers can enter the giveaway at trade shows, their local New Holland Dealers, via text codes by texting BLUE to 31313 in the U.S. or 393939 in Canada, or via the contest website at newhollandgiveaway.com/BLUE.
Contest rules
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE CHANCES OF WINNING. Open to commercial farmers, age 21+, residing in the United States or Canada, who either own fifty (50) head of dairy or beef cattle or harvested at least one hundred (100) acres of hay during the 2019 calendar year. Enter by submitting a completed entry form at www.newhollandgiveaway.com between 8/27/19 and 3/1/2020. See official rules for complete prize details. Odds depend on the total number of entries prior to each drawing date. For a copy of the official rules, visit newhollandgiveaway.com. Sponsor: CNH Industrial America LLC, 500 Diller Avenue, New Holland, PA 17557.
To view all contest details and rules, and to register for a chance to win, visit newhollandgiveaway.com.
About New Holland
New Holland Agriculture and New Holland Construction sell and service an innovative line of agricultural and construction equipment, including a full line of tractors; hay and forage, harvesting, and crop production equipment; skid steer and compact track loaders; compact wheel loaders; tractor loader backhoes and mini excavators. Sales, parts and service are provided by more than 1,000 New Holland dealers throughout North America. More information on New Holland can be found at www.newholland.com.
New Holland is a brand of CNH Industrial N.V., a world leader in Capital Goods listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CNHI) and on the Mercato Telematico Azionario of the Borsa Italiana (MI: CNHI). More information about CNH Industrial can be found online at www.cnhindustrial.com.