Hay Biz is a collection of news releases from the forage industry covering product launches, employee additions, and industry events. The items below have been supplied by forage marketers and have not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower.

Feb. 4, 2017
Capture the beauty of your KUHN, KUHN Knight and KUHN Krause equipment! Kuhn North America, Inc. is looking for customers and dealers to submit high-quality photos of their KUHN branded equipment...

Feb. 4, 2017
Frost-seeding is one form of over-seeding, in which you can use legumes to economically and quickly thicken a pasture or a perennial hayfield in late winter...

Feb. 4, 2017
New Holland Agriculture is launching a Rolabar 258 rake giveaway sweepstakes in honor of the model’s 50-year anniversary. Launching February 1st, those who enter will have the chance to w...

Feb. 4, 2017
S&W Seed Company (Nasdaq: SANW) today announced the advancement of 45 new varieties for the dormant and non-dormant alfalfa seed market to its proprietary seed portfolio, includin...

Feb. 4, 2017
This item has been supplied by a forage marketer and has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower. Massey Ferguson®, a global brand of AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO), welco...

Jan. 26, 2017
The 2017 Great Lakes Forage and Grazing Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, March 1, at AgroLiquid Fertilizer, 3055 W. M-21, St. Johns, MI 48879...

Jan. 25, 2017
KIOTI Tractor, a division of Daedong-USA, Inc., is excited to introduce two new special edition cab models to its CK10SE Series tractor line. The CK3510SE HC and the CK4010SE HC feature...

Jan. 18, 2017
The Discovery Farms Programs of Wisconsin and Minnesota are excited to announce the launch of an online farmer-only discussion forum...

Jan. 18, 2017
You may have thought that planting a cover crop and leaving it alone until termination and planting of the cash crop is the best way to get all the soil benefits of the ground cover...

Jan. 18, 2017
The strongest cool-season grass pastures come from varieties of tall fescue infected with a fungus. This infection can be good–or bad. It took decades to discover those internal fungi...