Sept. 13, 2016
Rocky LemusExtension forage specialistMississippi State University After continuous rain across the state during the early part of August, producers have enjoyed the first part...

Sept. 6, 2016
Vanessa Corriher-OlsonForage SpecialistTexas A&M AgriLife ExtensionAfter a week of much-needed rainfall in east Texas, producers began battling fall armyworms in pastures and hay meadows...

Aug. 30, 2016
August 2, 2016 · With abundant grass growth, more beef producers are holding onto cattle before they go to the feedlot...

Aug. 30, 2016
Nick ClarkExtension agronomy advisor, Hanford, Calif.University of California-Davis Temperatures over the last several weeks have been above average in the San Joaquin Valley. It’s not widely c...

Aug. 23, 2016
Glenn Shewmaker, Extension Forage SpecialistUniversity of IdahoWe had excellent drying conditions during late July and early August...

Aug. 16, 2016
Steve OrloffFarm Advisor/Siskiyou CountyUniversity of California-Extension The haymaking season is marching along without anything too remarkable. Conditions are fairly "normal" for this time of year. Fortunately, haymaking conditions have been very good, and we have not had many summer thunderstorms that result in rain-damaged hay. As noted in an earlier report, many growers started cutting earlier this year because of market conditions and the demand for high-quality...

Aug. 9, 2016
Rocky Lemus, Extension forage specialist, Mississippi State University Producers across the state have been battling excessive heat and variable rain...

Aug. 2, 2016
Vanessa Corriher-OlsonForage SpecialistTexas A&M AgriLife Extension Two words describe Texas lately: hot and dry. Dry conditions and heat have slowed forage growth statewide. Areas with irr...

July 26, 2016
· USDA forecasted 2016 harvested acres of all hay at 56.1 million in their Acreage report released last week. This was up from the 54.4 million acres harvested in 2015 and slightly higher...

July 26, 2016
Nick ClarkExtension agronomy advisor, Hanford, Calif.University of California-DavisIn general, growing conditions have been very favorable for forages in the San Joaquin Valley of California this past month. Temperatures have been flanking the 90s and 100s in about a 15-degree range with no precipitation, so precise irrigation timing continues to be paramount. This season has seen an accumulation of about 23 percent more growing degree days than this time last year...