Amber Friedrichsen

The author is the associate editor for Hay & Forage Grower.

Nov. 10, 2021
Hay producers in Nevada are professional gamblers, but they aren’t sitting at a Blackjack table...

Nov. 9, 2021
Imagine sitting in a roller coaster car chugging toward the top. When the car finally reaches its peak, it suddenly rushes downhill. The rest of the ride is full of twists and turns, including an upsi...

Nov. 2, 2021
Outdoor winter feeding areas are likely to take a beating. Heavy hoof traffic and manure accumulation can cause soil compaction, erosion, and excess nutrient buildup. Allotting unfit acres for winter...

Oct. 26, 2021
Despite seasonably warm temperatures in many parts of the Midwest, winter jackets, hats, and gloves will soon be retrieved from coat closets to combat the cold that is starting to creep in...

Oct. 19, 2021
A relatively new clover is taking center stage in recent tests and demonstrations in Arkansas, and this legume’s performance has the potential to impress impress even the toughest of critics...

Oct. 12, 2021
Harvest corn silage – check. Apply inoculant – check. Pack and cover bunkers and piles – check. This is what many producers’ to-do lists look like at this point in the season. Despite these co...

Oct. 5, 2021
Many parts of the country have endured dry weather conditions this year, and the lack of rainfall could affect more than just grain yields. Drought-stressed cornstalks can carry high levels of nitrate...

Sept. 28, 2021
Cyanogenic compounds in sorghum species can be brought to life by a killing frost. These compounds heighten the risk of prussic acid poisoning, and livestock will suffer the consequences...

Sept. 21, 2021
Laboratory forage analyses are like resumes. Despite a lack of job experience and list of skills, these test results promote crops as qualified candidates for livestock consumption and future performance...

Sept. 14, 2021
Rotating a field from one crop to another can promote better yields and elevate levels of nutrients in the soil for future production...