Oct. 15, 2019
It was baleage, not hay, that outdistanced the record field 380 entries in the Southeastern Hay Contest presented by Massey Ferguson. The legume baleage sample from Yon Family Farms, Ridge Spring, S.C...

Oct. 15, 2019
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the...

Oct. 8, 2019
A total of 336 samples from 17 different states comprised the field of entries for this year’s World Forage Analysis Superbowl. The highest placing samples were on display last week at World Dairy E...

Oct. 8, 2019
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end...

Oct. 1, 2019
Hay is hay. Right?Most people understand that the package of dry forage we bind up and call “hay” is not created equal in terms of nutrient content. In fact, hay is subject to extreme variation in...

Oct. 1, 2019
Hay prices dropped for the third month in a row as both alfalfa and other hay types finished with an August average price below the previous month’s levels. The latest USDA Agricultural Prices repo...

Oct. 1, 2019
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of...

Sept. 24, 2019
September 3, 2019 • There’s a double peak for corn silage quality. • Extension specialists at The Ohio State University share results from a study that demonstrates brown midrib (BMR) sorg...

Sept. 24, 2019
Photo: University of California Extension What fits one production system or environment doesn’t always fit another. Grazing alfalfa in the fall and winter with sheep is one such practice...

Sept. 24, 2019
Below are examples of alfalfa and grass prices being paid FOB barn/stack (except for those noted as delivered, which is indicated by a "d" in the table below) for selected states at the end of th...