This item has been supplied by a forage marketer and has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower.  The purpose of these programs is to recognize and feature the research accomplishments of recent Ph.D. graduates or current Ph.D. students in the advanced stages of their program (i.e. within 12 months of degree completion) at the annual Midwestern ADSA/ASAS meeting. Both ADSA and ASAS recognize promising individuals separately as either an ADSA Midwest Branch Young Dairy Scholar or an ASAS Midwestern Section Animal Science Young Scholar.These programs provide promising scholars within the Midwest Branch ADSA and Midwestern Section ASAS with opportunities to present timely research findings to an audience of academic and industry professionals in a forum that allows in-depth discussion of contemporary research techniques and findings. Invited participants in each program will present a 30-minute presentation on their dissertation topic at the Midwest ADSA/ASAS annual meeting. Inclusion of such presentations bolsters the quality and scope of graduate student research that is reported at Midwest ADSA/ASAS meetings and allows our associations to highlight the next generation of scientists who will be serving the Societies in the future. The intent of the Young Scholars Program is to recognize accomplishments of students in many disciplines through an invited presentation format; it is not intended as a competition. Overview and Timeline Nominations for the Midwest Section Young Scholars Programs are due on or before October 16. Once Scholars are selected abstracts are due by November 20. - Students working in Animal Science- or Dairy Science -related fields who are in the advanced stages of their program (i.e. within 12 months of degree completion) or have completed their PhD dissertation requirements within 12 months prior to the upcoming Midwestern Section ADSA/ASAS meetings are eligible for nomination. Nominees must also be members of the Midwest Section of ADSA or ASAS.
- Department Heads are asked to canvas faculty to determine all eligible students. Departments are allowed to nominate more than one student for each Scholar Program. If, as a Department Head you submit more than one nominations, please rank your nominations on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being your first choice. Quality of research, interest to the broad audience represented at the Midwest meetings, oral presentation skills, and time of doctoral degree completion (favoring those who would not have a future opportunity) are suggested criteria on which the nominations should be based.
- The Midwest ADSA President, Midwest ASAS President and Midwest ASAS Secretary will review nominations and recommend a targeted number of 6-8 Young Scholars to invite from each society. Up to 2 alternates may be identified if necessary.
- Selected Young Scholars will be contacted and given instructions about presentation length, quality, and abstract submission as an invited presentation. Abstracts will be due by November 20. Invited Young Scholars will be asked to confirm their intent to participate. If unable, an alternate may be selected at the discretion of the Midwest ADSA and ASAS Presidents and ASAS Secretary.
- The Midwest ADSA and ASAS Presidents will work with the Midwest ASAS Secretary and program committee chairs to assign Young Scholars to appropriate sessions as part of related symposia, or interspersed in oral sessions with other papers in the same topic area.
- Young Scholars presentations are to be 30-minute “INVITED” oral presentations. Presentations will preferably include related contemporary research conducted by others, as well as the Young Scholar’s own research; as would be the case for invited symposia speakers. Time must be allotted within the 30 minutes for questions at the end of the presentation.
- Students who are selected for this recognition and who present a paper at the Midwest ADSA/ASAS meetings will receive a plaque as well as a travel stipend of $150 and free meeting registration. Letters of support and a recent CV for each nominee should be entered into the online submission form at You will need to create and account (bottom option) by entering your email address and creating a password. Nominations are due by October 16.