Cloud-based solution will allow CLAAS, John Deere, and 365FarmNet platforms to share data.
This item has been supplied by a forage marketer and has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower. In the past, ag professionals with mixed machinery fleets have had to record, process and document their farming data using multiple systems developed by different equipment manufacturers and other third-party providers. With no shared data format or reporting structure, it was difficult to get information out of the equipment and into a single, easy-to-digest format. DataConnect was designed to simplify the data sharing process. The manufacturer-independent, cloud-to-cloud solution developed by CLAAS, John Deere and 365FarmNet (a leading farm management solution available exclusively in select European countries) facilitates the exchange of data via a common interface. It gives mixed machinery operations the ability to control and monitor their entire fleet using their favorite system. With DataConnect, users can choose their preferred data platform and incorporate data from their entire fleet. The machine data stored in CLAAS TELEMATICS, John Deere Operations Center, or 365FarmNet portals can be exchanged in real time from one cloud to the other. The key benefit to the user is that all the necessary machine configurations are available in one system. DataConnect enables the exchange of all important machinery data, including current and historical machine location, fuel tank level, current working status and forward speed. Transmission of agronomic data is also being planned. The companies involved with DataConnect will also be collaborating with ongoing Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) projects. In fact, the open architecture of DataConnect will allow for expansion into other systems. Any interested agricultural machinery manufacturers, software providers, associations and standardization committees are encouraged to build upon the existing interface. Those interested in the DataConnect solution can see it at the CLAAS, 365FarmNet and John Deere booths at AGRITECHNICA this November. The official launch is scheduled for summer of 2020. For more information about CLAAS, visit the company’s website at