Fendt Momentum Virtual Crop Tour to Premiere on YouTube Nov. 20, 2020 |
Tune in at 10 a.m. EST for findings from 2020 planting demonstrations and real-time Q&A with AGCO agronomistsThis item has been supplied by a forage marketer and has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hay & Forage Grower.
![]() “The goal of the AGCO Crop Tour is to help growers understand how soil and equipment interactions impact crop establishment, growth and yields,” says Jason Lee, AGCO agronomist and farm solutions specialist. “Through the Virtual Crop Tour, growers can see the difference best planting practices can make on their farms. Proper planter settings and the right agronomic decisions for field conditions can help them attain the even emergence and consistent stands needed for optimum yields.” Producers are invited to register for the event, request updates before the premiere and set reminders to watch from their phones, tablets or computers atbit.ly/AGCOVCT. While the program will be available online in the future, on November 20th growers will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers in real time from AGCO agronomists and product specialists. The 2020 AGCO Crop Tour on-farm locations were planted with pre-production models of the new Fendt Momentum planter in side-by-side plots. Some locations included plots to demonstrate how the planter’s Load Logic™ weight-management system combines with Precision Planting® technologies to deliver planting accuracy while limiting soil compaction. The AGCO Virtual Crop Tour will include educational segments on:
Live answers to viewer questions will be provided via the chat function during the event. The 2020 AGCO Crop Tour plots were planted at Pontiac, Illinois; Stewartville, Minnesota; Casselton, North Dakota; Baltic, South Dakota; and Chillicothe, Ohio, to demonstrate best planting practices and soil compaction management in a variety of soil and field conditions. Traditionally, growers and dealers would have been invited to in-person plot demonstrations in July and August. This year in consideration of customer health and concerns about COVID-19, AGCO filmed observations at the plots to virtually share agronomic knowledge gained from the 2020 AGCO Crop Tour. In-season field reports are available at fendt.com/us/planters/crop-tour, with future updates noted on Twitter @Fendt_NA. Follow the hashtags #AGCOCropTour and #FendtMomentum. For more information about the Fendt Momentum planter, watch the AGCO Virtual Crop Tour, visit the Fendt Momentum planter room in the AGCOVirtualShowroom.com, visit Fendt.com, follow @Fendt_NA on Twitter, search #FendtMomentum on social media or contact your local Fendt dealer. |