May 2024 Hay Pellets

By Hay and Forage Grower

May 28, 2024

• The 2024 annual average combined gross wage rate for field and livestock workers was $17.98 per hour, according to the USDA’s Farm Labor report, which was up 6% from last year. The Pacific Northwest and California had the highest agricultural worker wages, whereas the Southeast region had the lowest.

• Milk production in April totaled 19.1 billion pounds, according to USDA’s Milk Production report. This was down 0.4% from April 2023 but was the smallest year-over-year decline so far in 2024.

• The national herd size dropped 74,000 head compared to last year at 9.34 million head. Low replacement heifer numbers discourage herd expansion. However, milk production per cow was pegged at 2,049 pounds in April, which was up 9 pounds from last year.

• Here are some horn fly control options.

• Did you know compaction risk increases as saturated soil dries out?

May 21, 2024

• Craig Schaeffer with the University of Minnesota has received no reports of widespread alfalfa winterkill or injury in the Gopher State.

• See how planting annual forages or perennial forages pencils out compared to row crops.

• Scout pests and determine economic thresholds before spraying for alfalfa weevil.

• Brush up on these soil terms and principles.

• Winter rye forage quality declines rapidly; harvest it before it’s too late.

May 14, 2024

• Alfalfa hay exports reached 231,545 metric tons (MT) in March, according to USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. China led the charge with 109,861 MT, breaking the 100,000 MT threshold for the first time in 2024.

• Total hay exports in March jumped 28% year-over-year at 332,864 MT, marking the first time these numbers have exceeded 300,000 MT in the past six months. China imported a total of 110,616 MT, up 23% year-over-year, followed by Japan and South Korea, which imported 91,324 MT and 50,142 MT total hay, respectively.

• All hay exports to Canada totaled 17,746 MT and are expected to remain relatively robust following the country’s previous drought year and lower-than-average snowfall this winter.

Use the PEAQ method to effectively estimate alfalfa quality.

• Have you considered adding sunn hemp to your summer annual mix?

May 7, 2024

• Find USDA updates about Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) detections in livestock here.

• Check out these herbicide restriction tables from the University of Wisconsin-Madison for alfalfa following corn, soybeans, and wheat.

• Reduced drought risk is a promising sign for forage growth this year.

Toxic cressleaf groundsel, or butterweed, is causing commotion in Ohio.

• Keep grazing livestock away from fallen cherry trees.