High quality hay is the focus of UW-Extension workshop series |
![]() To help producers prepare for their upcoming hay production and feeding needs, University of Wisconsin-Extension Dane County is holding an “Ensuring High Quality Hay” workshop series on Tuesday evenings – Feb. 16 and 23. The workshops will be from 5:30-8 p.m. and will be held at the Montrose Town Hall, in Belleville, WI. The first workshop, on Feb. 16, is Producing High Quality Hay. It will focus on production practices to get the highest quality hay. Topics include: soil fertility, hay production practices, and recycling bale wrap. Speakers for this workshop will be: Dr. Dan Undersander, UW-Extension forage specialist; Mark Mayer, UW-Extension Green County agriculture agent; and Heidi Johnson, UW-Extension Dane County crops and soils agent. Keeping Your Hay High Quality is the second workshop in the series, scheduled for Feb. 23. Its focus will be on feeding and storage strategies. Topics include: storing hay to reduce waste, and buying and selling hay. Speakers for this workshop will be: Nick Baker, UW-Extension Rock County agriculture agent, and Jennifer Blazek, UW-Extension Dane County dairy and livestock agent. Registration cost is $12 per person per workshop or $20 per person for both workshops, and includes materials. Participants may attend either or both workshops. Please contact the UW-Extension Dane County office to register at 608-224-3700 or register online at http://fyi.uwex.edu/danecountyag. |