May 28, 2024
As demand for quality alfalfa continues to rise, managing weeds remains a critical and ever-present component of successful production, according to Leslie Beck, extension weed specialist at New Mexico State University (NMSU)...

April 29, 2024
While alfalfa may be a key element of sustainable agricultural systems due to its well-known environmental and ecosystem benefits, the reported average yield of alfalfa for U.S. farms is well below the potential of what growers could produce...

April 18, 2024
When one door slams shut, fortune will usually open another . . . or so the old saying goes...

April 2, 2024
Another flip of the calendar means the first cutting of alfalfa is fast approaching for many farmers...

March 26, 2024
Fall dormancy of alfalfa is an important trait to consider when selecting a variety, but how relevant is it to farm-scale production?...

March 12, 2024
During my years as an extension agent, I would occasionally be called out to a farm for the purpose of evaluating a failed or thin new alfalfa seeding field...

March 5, 2024
Although alfalfa has been grown and studied for many generations, there are still some mysteries surrounding the crop that continue to dog us...

Feb. 22, 2024
Alfalfa offers a great opportunity to combat the spread of herbicide-resistant weed variants on your farm for two main reasons...

Feb. 20, 2024
Although alfalfa weevils have developed resistance to pyrethroid insecticides, causing severe alfalfa losses in the Western U.S. and concern elsewhere, producers may still be able to utilize pyrethroids on a limited basis...

Jan. 30, 2024
Forage research and extension positions at state universities weren’t getting filled from lack of research funding and budget constraints...