by Marvin Hall
Extension Forage Agronomist
Penn State University

Forage Extension Specialist
University of Kentucky
At press time, there is a lot of hay on the ground in Kentucky. Starting about July 21, most of the state had the first good window for making hay in over a month. I have talked with several producers that are only on their second cutting of alfalfa (obviously very overmature). This year I have had calls about what to do when hay has been rained on four or five times. Everyone is hoping for more typical summer conditions from here on out. Cattle producers are frustrated with the difficulty in putting up quality hay for the winter but have enjoyed ideal conditions for pasture growth. On some pastures though, the wet weather had resulted in muddy conditions. Corn silage production should be average for most producers, with the exception of those on flat ground or in fields with marginal internal drainage. There are a growing number of Kentucky producers putting up round bale silage (mainly inline wrappers). This year, no one is complaining about the time and effort or the cost of plastic for their wrapper. They are just thankful to have quality feed for winter.

Forage Extension Specialist
Montana State University
Drought in many parts of the state has slowed regrowth on many haying operations. Several counties in the northwest portion of the state have been listed as under a severe drought, decreasing the likelihood of a second harvest for many dryland producers, with many central and western counties listed as slightly or moderately dry. In other parts of the state with ample irrigation, some producers have already starting cutting their second harvest. Many acres of cereal grains are being harvested for hay instead of grain, with a concurrent increase in the amount of nitrate testing in extension offices throughout the state.
In seven counties, located in the northern Montana, the USDA has authorized emergency grazing and haying of CRP acreage in order to increase forage production for livestock. Eligible producers must have written approval from FSA and complete their haying by August 31 and grazing by September 30. Hay prices still remain about average for the time of season, with Supreme quality alfalfa going for $200 to 210 per ton (small squares) and Good quality large square alfalfa selling for around $150 per ton.