Seth Hoyt
Author of The Hoyt Report, providing hay market analysis and insight.
Fair to Good quality alfalfa hay prices were softer last week in California and Idaho and there were mixed feelings when the markets will reach a bottom. Scattered showers in Idaho caught some hay in windrows and added to the already large feeder hay supplies. In California, the Fair quality alfalfa hay market declined further to $165 to $183 delivered to Central California dairies. The prices of wheat straw and grain hay, which many dairies use in dry cow rations, continued to weaken. Additionally, the price of Bermuda straw from the Imperial Valley was delivering to dairies in Central California for a very competitive $105 per ton. It is reported that some growers in the West have taken older alfalfa hay stands out of production to try and reduce the amount of lesser quality alfalfa hay they have to sell.