Feb. 1, 2023
I’ve recently opted for a diesel truck, primarily to step up the range between fuel stops. It’s got a 33-gallon fuel tank, but the range equation is more than just a larger fuel tank. Both tank si...

Jan. 1, 2023
Feed and forage analysis interpretation in most cases begins and ends with a focus on protein and carbohydrate measures. The prior two articles in this series centered upon improving your ability to u...

Nov. 7, 2022
Several scientists have contributed enormously to the dairy industry during the past 50 years, and Dave Mertens might be at the top of the list. If you still need convinced of this reasoning, I invite...

Nov. 7, 2022
In the August/September “Feed Analysis” column, we delved into forage protein and its associated complex feed analysis measures. The nitrogen and amino acids in forage are valuable, with protein s...

Aug. 10, 2022
During nutrition workshops with students and industry professionals, I generally break nutrition analysis training down into sections corresponding to nutrients or nutrient digestion measures...

April 25, 2022
As the weather trends hotter, cold and sweet treats become more appealing. My two kids, aged 7 and 8 years old, have inherited my late father’s sweet tooth...

March 10, 2022
Mining for precious metals or diamonds requires tried and true equipment and techniques. Simply walking around aimlessly with a metal detector or sifting the dirt won’t often prove successful...

May 25, 2021
Although growers in the West and the South are well underway with this year’s alfalfa harvest, those in the Northern half of the U.S. are still greasing their mowers...

Oct. 26, 2021
“One of the major factors negatively impacting harvested alfalfa forage quality is leaf loss,” asserted David Weakley, director of forage research nutrition for Forage Genetics Internatinoal...