Senior Editor: Mike Rankin
28 Milwaukee Ave. W
P.O. Box 801
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Mike Rankin joined Hay & Forage Grower as the managing editor in April 2015. Since July of 2024, he has transitioned to senior editor. He had previously served 27 years as the Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, crops and soils agent with the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Service. He also worked eight years on a large dairy and grain farm in southern Illinois.

As an extension agent, Rankin authored numerous crop management factsheets, conference proceeding papers, and spreadsheet decision-making tools. He also wrote a weekly newspaper column and many feature articles for state and national media publications. Rankin has presented crop management information on over 3000 radio programs and given forage presentations at state, regional, and international conferences. He also has collaborated with extension specialists on numerous forage and field crop research projects. On a state level, Rankin co-chaired the UW-Extension forage programming team for 15 years and maintained the Wisconsin forage resources website.

Rankin received both his bachelor?s degree in dairy science and master?s in crop production and physiology from Iowa State University. He also is a certified crop advisor through the American Society of Agronomy.

Rankin has earned the Midwest Forage Association's Outstanding Service Award, the Wisconsin Forage Council's Outstanding Educator Award and the National Association of County Agricultural Agent's Distinguished Service Award. He has served on the boards of the Midwest Forage Association, Wisconsin Association of County Agricultural Agents, Wisconsin Association of Professional Agricultural Consultants, the Wisconsin Forage Council and the Fond du Lac Area Agribusiness Council.

Link to Amber Friedrichsen, Managing Editor page