Feb. 21, 2025
It does not seem possible that it has been over 38 years since I started my first professional job in forages at the University of Missouri...

Oct. 9, 2024
Weeds seem to persist regardless of the current or extreme weather situation...

Jan. 29, 2024
As we look ahead to the next haymaking season, I’m sure some people have begun to accept the new norm for equipment costs...

Dec. 18, 2023
NOW that hay season has wrapped up for a majority of the country, it is the time to take a look back at the past year’s production and evaluate what was done well and identify those areas where improvement is needed...

April 30, 2018
Hay & Forage Grower interviews Dan Putnam, Forage extension specialist at the University of California-Davis...

Feb. 15, 2018
Hay & Forage Grower talks with Glen Aiken, recently retired research scientist at the USDA-ARS Forage-Animal Production Research Unit in Lexington, Ky...

Jan. 15, 2018
HFG: How did your career lead you to direct and represent agricultural organizations, which include the National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance (NAFA) and the Midwest Forage Association?...

Aug. 31, 2017
Hay & Forage Grower talks with Tom Kilcer, private crop consultant, researcher and owner of Advanced Ag Systems...

April 30, 2017
Hay & Forage Grower talks to Woody Lane, a private nutrition and livestock consultant based in Roseburg, Ore...

March 3, 2017
Hay & Forage Grower talks with Neal martin, a former Minnesota forage extension specialist and director of the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center...