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What’s new in silage production science from seed to feed-out? How can every efficient step forward benefit your bottom line? Find out at the California Silage Conference, July 24, 2017, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Legacy Ranch, Tipton, California.
You’ll leave with more confidence in your silage making abilities. Learn about the latest in seed genetics and selection strategy, precision planting, fertilizing and crop care. Renew your on-point, controlled harvest methods plan. Get all the science in a comfortable, understandable, and friendly format. Interactive sessions will bring into focus what you’re doing right, and clarify areas in your program that need improvement. And there’s (a really delicious) lunch planned!
- Walk with Dekalb’s local agronomist and representative through the corn hybrid planting. You’ll see leading silage genetics in the field and discuss how Dekalb’s breeding program is maximizing the potential in every seed. Find out what they’re doing to further germ-plasm and traits and be ready to discuss agronomic topics and challenges that your fields are facing.
- See firsthand how you can produce more milk per acre by driving up yield, starch, and digestibility. Hear from farmers like you who have put the science to work. California Ag Solutions will present information on this and how soil health can be improved and tillage costs reduced.
- Who will win the first ever “Connor Corn Silage Jeopardy?” It’s time for your favorite quiz show: featuring answers to harvest, sealing, feed-out, and safety methods that will make the most of your crop investment. Buzz in – who’s got the questions?
The Conference is a pre-registration-only event. Go to today to request your reservation and get more details. Registration is open now. Admission by pre-registration only.