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To be eligible, organic hay must be grown on the farm submitting the entry and must be from a bale, any type or size, like other hay entries. Additionally, the entry must be accompanied with an organic certification. The Grand Champion cash award of $1500 is presented by Blue River Hybrids.
Entry forms are available by calling 920-336-4521 or visiting The $30 entry fee provides entry into the contest for cash prizes, along with a detailed laboratory analysis of the sample. Participants may submit multiple entries. Corn silage entries must be received by August 18, while all other entries must be received by September 8.
The World Forage Analysis Superbowl is organized in partnership with Dairyland Laboratories, Inc., DairyBusiness Communications, Hay & Forage Grower, U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison and World Dairy Expo.

The 33rd World Forage Analysis Superbowl is excited to announce that Organic Hay has joined the list of contest categories for 2016. “Our goal is to adapt the contest to what we see happening in real-time with forage harvesting and processing. Adding an organic category was a natural progression for this contest,” stated Dr. Dan Undersander, Forage Agronomist for the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
To be eligible, organic hay must be grown on the farm submitting the entry and must be from a bale, any type or size, like other hay entries. Additionally, the entry must be accompanied with an organic certification. The Grand Champion cash award of $1500 is presented by Blue River Hybrids.
Entry forms are available by calling 920-336-4521 or visiting The $30 entry fee provides entry into the contest for cash prizes, along with a detailed laboratory analysis of the sample. Participants may submit multiple entries. Corn silage entries must be received by August 18, while all other entries must be received by September 8.
The World Forage Analysis Superbowl is organized in partnership with Dairyland Laboratories, Inc., DairyBusiness Communications, Hay & Forage Grower, U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison and World Dairy Expo.