May 18, 2016
Legumes such as hairy vetch can improve the quality of winter annual grasses. Cover crops are planted to enhance health and fertility of soils and to benefit the surrounding environment...

May 18, 2016
At the base of healthy ryegrass, a mass of white adventitious roots and cobweb-like fungal mycelia develop just as it enters its most rapid phase of growth...

May 18, 2016
Double goosenecks and truss-rod hose clamps used to decrease the drop spacing and increase the number of drops. Irrigated agriculture is under greater pressure to produce forage and other c...

May 10, 2016
Upon reading the title, your thoughts probably first moved to something along the lines of “You’re not kidding; it always rains right about the time I get the chopper (or baler) grease...

May 3, 2016
“Sometimes the method with the least expense ends up costing you the most,” says Brian Beer, an extension area livestock specialist for Clemson University. Beer proves his point in a recent...

April 26, 2016
A dearth of public dollars to support alfalfa research was the emphasis behind the National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance (NAFA) instituting a new alfalfa checkoff program...

April 13, 2016
Do you know what actually goes into TDN (total digestible nutrients), RFV (relative feed value) or milk per ton values used to buy or sell hay or silage?...

April 13, 2016
The author is a freelance writer from Bozeman, Mont., and has her own communications business, Cowpunch Creative. When it comes to grazing better, Tim Steffens says what he absolutely...

April 12, 2016
Once temperatures warm and alfalfa growth begins in the spring, the ritual of assessment is initiated...

March 31, 2016
The use of red clover in the U.S., as measured by seed production, is only about 10 percent of what it was at its peak around 1950...