June 4, 2019
Warm-season perennial grasses are the most used forages in the South but require nitrogen fertilization to maintain productivity and nutritive value. For this reason, warm-season forage legumes are be...

May 28, 2019
With the rising cost of raising and feeding dairy heifers in confinement, there has been more interest in putting young stock out to pasture. Rotational grazing can lower expenses, minimize labor for...

May 28, 2019
Damaged forage stands from a harsh winter, deteriorating stands from a wet spring, and the approaching warm summer weather have left farmers questioning what options they have for growing forage this...

May 21, 2019
With late planting of corn now a given and more than the usual amount of alfalfa winterkill, this might be a year to think about planting summer annuals such as sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass hybrids...

May 21, 2019
Hay & Forage Grower is pleased to announce that Michaela King has joined the team as our 2019 summer editorial intern. King just completed her sophomore year at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities...

May 14, 2019
As stored forage supplies start to run low, more and more producers are turning their livestock out on pastures earlier than they would like. With this advanced start to the grazing season, it i...

May 14, 2019
From time to time, the question is raised about fertilizing alfalfa with nitrogen (N) to either boost yields or improve crude protein (CP) concentration. With alfalfa being a...

May 7, 2019
Sometimes new machinery technologies solve one problem but create a new one. That might be the case when it comes to disc mowers, which have largely replaced sickle-bar mowers on most haymaking operat...

May 7, 2019
A combination of meager hay supplies and low wheat markets has set up a situation where grazing or haying winter wheat may have more value than if harvested for grain. In the University of Nebraska-Li...

April 30, 2019
It’s been taking numerous regions of the U.S. by storm and, in many cases, nothing is being done to stop the invasion. Once an occasional nuisance, poison hemlock has officially become a...