Nitrogen fertilization may be furthest thing from a one-size-fits-all situation. The nutrient required for plant growth and protein synthesis is a critical factor of forage production, but its m...
Although forage quality can be objectively defined by the results of a hay test, it sometimes takes on a more subjective connotation influenced by farmer standards for hay appearance, texture, or even...
Brown midrib (BMR) corn has been a staple feed on many dairy farms since the mid-1990s. These hybrids generally have a lower lignin content and higher fiber digestibility. Nutritional studies have hel...
Raising replacement heifers can be costly for a dairy farm, with feed costs for these animals typically comprising the biggest chunk of that expense. One solution is to let heifers harvest forage them...
“Our” word is being horribly abused, and it’s about time that someone brings it to light.After last week, I decided it was time to say something. Please, stay with me, there is a dir...
It doesn’t matter what variety of alfalfa you plant. It doesn’t matter how much your seeder cost. It doesn’t matter if you nail the correct planting depth. It doesn’t matter if you poured the...
Graziers have always been challenged by the spring flush of forage, but most wouldn’t give it up unless there was an assurance of consistent growth throughout the summer, which never happens.The flu...
An agronomist, a beef farmer, and a dairy farmer walk into a bar . . . or in this case, the breakout session at the Midwest Forage Association Symposium. What ensued during the panel discussion last m...
With a week of warmer-than-average temperatures displayed on my weather app following a sub-zero cold snap, I’m a little concerned about alfalfa injury and winterkill. This isn’t the first time te...
Unless you’re putting your round bales on a scale, you’re probably guessing bale weight all wrong. The key word here is “guessing,” which spells trouble in terms of feed expenses and hay suppl...