As the Super Bowl approaches, offensive and defensive coordinators will pour over film in an effort to either score points or prevent points, respectively. Truth be told, farmers should be doing the s...
Despite already being one month into the new year, some farmers are still staring down a long road of winter hay feeding. This may not be as daunting where opportunities exist to graze winter pastures...
Torrential rains, drought, flooding, and even hurricanes were all felt in pastures and hayfields across the country last year. Although no amount of money can atone for the long-lasting effects of the...
One of the great advantages of a pasture-based feeding system is that tillage is rarely or never required. That said, even the best of pastures occasionally need freshened up with an influx of legumes...
Controlling feed costs is often the shortest and most meaningful road to beef cow profitability. This often entails an extension of the grazing season to limit supplemental feeds and their associated...
Proper care and nutrition for the human infant or bovine calf is often pontificated upon as a critical step toward the optimum development of the young adult or cow. In other words, the future is only...
The USDA makes its assessment of dry-hay stocks in May and December of each year. Last May, spring hay stocks rocketed 47% above the previous year, or about 6.7 million tons.The rising stocks trend co...
The National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance (NAFA) announced last week that alfalfa will now be included as a short-term perennial option in the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 3...
Driving through Midwestern countryside over the holidays, I observed no shortage of sacrifice paddocks with bale feeders surrounded by cattle. More often than not, the feeders were also surrounded by...
Few things in life are certain, but one of those things is that stored hay quality never improves and most often declines, depending on the initial baling moisture and storage conditions.Althoug...