Alfalfa-killing freezes aren’t what they used to be. In fact, other than perhaps the far Northern reaches of the U.S., alfalfa is barely showing signs of frost damage, if at all. This is unusual giv...
Drought can take an obvious toll on forage supplies, stand condition, and water resources, but the effect it has on electric fences may be less apparent. Less apparent, that is, until livestock escape...
As the grazing season shifts to a period of hay feeding, it is time to take inventory of current forage supplies and map out a budget for buying feed. Crunching some numbers and thinking ahead can hel...
Researchers are one step closer to solving the mysterious case of alfalfa autotoxicity. Up until now, the chemical compound — or compounds — that causes autotoxicity has kept a secret identity, bu...
The thin layer of frost that covered my windshield one morning last week was a subtle reminder of the harsh reality that colder weather is on the horizon. I’ve since located my ice scraper in the de...
Equine asthma, or heaves as it is often referred to, is an inflammatory reaction to inhaled dusts, molds, or other allergens. Horses that contract the disease have swollen airways, which constrict and...
Feed costs are the greatest expense for a livestock operation, and with winter on the way, it will be prudent to plan for feed purchases in the months ahead. Buying bales doesn’t have to break the b...
Forage research is invaluable for producers to access and apply on their own operations, but that isn’t to say they should always expect the same results. A healthy dose of skepticism may serve farm...
A total of 207 entries from 12 states made up the playing field for the 40th annual World Forage Analysis Superbowl. Winners were announced and awards were presented last week at World Dairy Expo in M...