Although forage quality can be objectively defined by the results of a hay test, it sometimes takes on a more subjective connotation influenced by farmer standards for hay appearance, texture, or even smell. These preferences shouldn’t dominate hay buying and feeding decisions, but they may be worth considering as we enter another harvest season.
In a recent article from Ohio State University Extension, Christine Gelley suggests that farmers can gain a lot of experience judging hay by its look and feel after months of buying and feeding bales. Instead of relying on visual and tactile observations to gauge forage quality, though, she recommends channeling these skills to scout for contaminants.
Gelley defines contaminants as poisonous weeds, mold, and dirt that can negatively impact hay quality. Other foreign objects may be introduced to hay by wind, flooding, or even broken machinery. Although it may be easier to control the incidence of these contaminants in homegrown forage, it would be prudent to assess both hay baled on-farm and purchased bales before, during, and after feeding.
“Even with a hay test in hand, we should still use our senses of sight, smell, and touch to help evaluate quality because sometimes we can spot an unwanted contaminant in hay that a lab test would miss,” the agriculture and natural resource extension educator asserts. She provides the following items to consider upon seeing, smelling, and feeling hay.
Sight. Analyze the overall condition of bales, including shape and size uniformity. If bales are wrapped, ensure they are adequately covered to mitigate exposure to the elements and prevent spoilage.
Gelley notes leafiness is another hay quality indicator that can be assessed with the eye. Look for leaves attached to stems, and a lot of them. “Leaves are the most digestible portion of the plant, both for grasses and legumes,” she writes. “A greater presence of leaves in hay tends to be correlated to greater nutritional value for the livestock consuming it.”
Color, on the other hand, is not a reliable marker of hay quality. Although green hay can be an indication of good curing conditions, Gelley argues it is not wise to assume green hay is always better than brown hay.
Smell. “Bad smells indicate problems like spoilage and mold growth,” Gelley says. “Bad hay may smell sour, musty, or be dusty or damp. If you don’t like how the hay smells, your livestock won’t either.”
Feel. Hay texture can affect how much animals eat, with brittle or pokey hay reducing intake. Gelley advises farmers to look for weeds that have thorns, spines, or awns in hay before feeding it. “These plant structures will not only contribute to lower hay intake but could also pose health threats to certain livestock species,” she says.
Gelley recommends scouting for weeds before hay harvest since it may be easier to locate weedy areas in a field rather than identifying individual weeds in baled forage. She also recommends creating an integrated weed management approach to reduce the occurrence of harmful materials in hay and promote more desirable forages over the long term, whether feeding bales on-farm or selling them to others.
“Take these hay-judging tips into consideration ahead of hay season to maximize the marketability and nutritive value of the hay you are preparing to grow and harvest this year,” she concludes.