Over the past six years, Iowa State University agronomist Brian Lang has been evaluating the use of foliar fungicides for alfalfa. The effort has resulted in 219 fungicide applications by harvest trea...
Spring growth is upon us, and a little weed management and prevention can go a long way in keeping a small problem from becoming a big one. Case in point: In a recent Field Crop News newsletter from P...
The all-hay and alfalfa hay price averages both moved higher during March based on USDA’s most recent Agricultural Prices report released last week. The all-hay price was $148 per ton, up $5 per ton...
Forage inoculants have always been a “buyer beware” market. Unlike corn hybrids and forage varieties, there is precious little third-party testing of available inoculant products. Fortunately, the...
For many regions, April wasn’t the warm start to spring that producers were hoping for. If the trend continues, assessing freeze damage to alfalfa might be a routine activity. Producers are urg...
Hay producers usually try to get the most money for their product or at least ensure a profit. When the hay market is high, achieving a profitable return is relatively easy. It’s when hay prices sag...
Care must be taken when turning cattle out on once-stressed pastures to protect against continuing a cycle of mistreatment, consequently resulting in poor forage quality and growth.“Drought-like con...
Baleage is ensiled at 40 to 60 percent moisture, while dry hay commonly is stored below 20 percent moisture and silage above 65 percent, explains Kim Mullenix, beef cattle systems extension specialist...
Horses, as grazers, are different than every other livestock species. Notoriously known for being selective, horses can quickly turn a uniform pasture into a patchwork quilt that often res...