In recent years, there has been a broader choice in finished beef available to consumers. The supply of “grass-fed beef” has risen, and it always raises some controversy within the industry...
“C’mon out and see how great my cattle and pastures look.”“That’s not a call I typically get,” said Lawton Stewart, a beef cattle nutrition specialist with the University of Georgia. “Mo...
Ammoniation of crop residues can turn a low-quality forage into a medium-quality forage that can maintain a dry cow without supplementation. Given the drought in the Northern Plains and eastern...
The success of a grass-fed beef operation relies on getting average daily gains of at least 2 pounds per day. Animals will need to maintain a body condition score of 6 or better...
The decision to purchase forage can be easy when stocks are low and forage availability is scarce. Under this scenario, the decision relies on purchasing whatever is available...
It makes sense to cover the ground and protect our precious soil and water resources, especially after harvest of corn silage; but why not also produce additional forage?...
Margins are precariously thin for cow-calf and stocker operations. As the time has come to hunker down for winter feeding and grazing, harvested forage quality may very well be the determining factor...