May 19, 2020
EVERYONE is finally in or near the full swing of the 2020 hay season. Some of us in the South are working on the second cutting of spring annuals, and the fertilizer trucks are running hard...

March 30, 2020
The snow is still flying in some regions, and many hay producers are busy looking over their equipment and getting it ready to go...

March 24, 2020
It’s once again time to document what farmers are actually paying or charging to help out their neighbors with machine field operations...

March 13, 2020
As winter has fully set in for most of the country, indoor jobs that often center around machinery maintenance are popular and beneficial at this time...

Jan. 13, 2020
The introduction of disc mowers has allowed forages to be cut close to the ground — much closer than sickle bar mowers...

Jan. 13, 2020
Last season was a challenging one for hay production...

Jan. 13, 2020
In late 2018, the University of Wisconsin-Madison received a grant from the USDA-NIFA Alfalfa and Forages Research Program to investigate the effects of wheel traffic on alfalfa regrowth, yield, and quality...

Jan. 13, 2020
The author is a forage extension agronomist with the University of Idaho. He recently attended his 50-year high school reunion and was inspired to reflect...

Nov. 27, 2019
There's no doubt that we live in a fast-paced society. We must have everything right now and even more so have it delivered or picked up for us...

Sept. 6, 2019
With Mother Nature being as crazy as she’s been the past few years, it makes efficient hay production even more critical...