The author is an area assistant with the University of Arizona based in Cochise County.

Dec. 9, 2024
Effective animal management is essential for maintaining healthy pastures and maximizing forage production...

Nov. 27, 2023
In an ideal world, pastures would always be green with plenty of forage, cattle would never get sick or eat something they weren’t supposed to, and if we’re dreaming big, toxic weeds wouldn’t even exist...

Nov. 7, 2022
Although we’re heading into the winter months, looking ahead to spring and being prepared to ward off potential pasture problems is something that should be on every producer’s mind...

Nov. 10, 2021
Feed conversion ratio (FCR or G:F) is the traditional measure of feed efficiency and feedlot performance. This trait is defined as the ratio between the animal’s gain and feed inputs...

Nov. 17, 2020
As the western United States again grapples with the effects of widespread fire and crippling drought, supplemental feeding must be considered for beef herds...

Nov. 27, 2019
Found across western North America, locoweed (also called milkvetch) is an ever-present concern for livestock grazers, particularly in the early spring and late fall...

Nov. 23, 2018
Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic compounds that are utilized by nearly every living thing on earth...