The author is a professor and extension dairy specialist with Kansas State University.

May 28, 2024
Smaller margins due to higher feed costs and lower milk prices have been forcing dairy managers to find opportunities to reduce expenses...

June 19, 2023
Dairy diets today typically contain 25% to 35% corn silage on a dry matter basis, and some may exceed these levels...

April 25, 2022
How much feed is left behind in the feedbunk? Is it mostly forage? Is it 1 or 2 pounds per head? What did that forage cost?...

April 29, 2021
The rising value of protein over the last 10 months should cause dairy producers and dairy nutritionists to reconsider the value of alfalfa hay and silage in dairy rations...

May 12, 2020
With tight margins in the dairy industry, we sometimes look to reduce feed costs as a method to improve margins...

May 20, 2019
Is robotic milking continues to grow in the U.S., we are gaining knowledge and understanding of the interactions between nutrition, cow comfort, animal behavior, and facility design...