Grazing winter annuals in the South reduces the need for storing winter feed and providing additional supplements; however, their effectiveness and productivity hinge largely on providing a nutritiona...
Failing to stock up enough winter feed can leave producers in the cold. Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University emeritus extension animal scientist, looks at how cows utilize forage and their intake to...
“Multispecies grazing can be used to more effectively utilize all of the browse and forage in pastures, target weeds and brush, and reduce parasite loads across pastures,” says Rob Cook, planned c...
Whether a producer strictly grows row crops or raises cattle, utilizing the corn residue as a forage has long been an option for not only cows but also for growing heifers and backgrounding calves. �...
When it comes to evaluating forage particle size distribution in mixed rations, few tools are as effective and widely used as the Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS). This tool is used on many...
As winter sets in, much of the Southern Plains will once again turn toward wheat pastures for their grazing needs. With adequate rainfall, this wealth of protein and energy could be available to many...
“Once pastures have been stockpiled for late fall and winter grazing, how they are utilized can dramatically impact grazing days per acre,” begins Chris Teutsch, forage extension specialist with t...
As fall ushers in cooler weather, producers often see revitalized pastures shortly before productivity drops off for the winter. While this is great for tall fescue and orchardgrass, it can also prove...
Advanced pasture management tools could be right at your fingertips in a few years. The University of Missouri (MU) Extension is in the process of creating a mobile application to aid decision-making...
Attaining perfect pastures may be less work than previously believed. Growers sometimes strive for complete control over weeds in order to maintain textbook monoculture pastures. Chris Teutsch, extens...