We often talk about the magnitude of round bale hay losses without proper storage techniques, but feeding losses can be equal to or greater than storage losses if some precautions aren’t taken.“Th...
If you have experienced issues with tall fescue toxicity in the past, there are some things that can be done this fall to help mitigate future problems, according to Chris Penrose, extension educator...
Discussions and experiences related to vomitoxin, which is also referred to as DON, in corn silage continues to perplex both livestock producers and researchers. Although there are more potent mycotox...
With the onset of colder weather comes the threat of frost and the challenges associated with it. Most notable of these challenges are toxic compounds that certain forage species produce shortly after...
Drying forage in the fall is often difficult as the days shorten and temperatures cool. If there’s still hay to make, baleage may be a good alternative to dry hay. “Wrapping wet bales for baleage...
An alfalfa hay sample submitted by Flatwood Farms, Murrayville, Ga., had the highest relative forage quality (RFQ) in this year’s Southeastern Hay Contest presented by Massey Ferguson...
A total of 843 samples from 27 different states comprised the field of entries for this year’s World Forage Analysis Superbowl. The highest placing samples were on display last week at World Dairy E...
Horses have always had their own unique set of grazing preferences and potential maladies caused by pasture forage consumption.Once a killing frost occurs, there are several precautions to be cognizan...
One of the largest expenses for cattle producers is feeding cattle during the winter. When purchasing hay and supplements to accommodate energy needs, the costs add up. According to Ray Hicks, Screve...
Hay price movement for August was mixed, based on USDA’s most recent Agricultural Prices report released last week. The All Hay price rose by $2 per ton to $161, which is $24 higher than August 2017...