Photo: USDA A common winter forage option utilized in the Upper Midwest is grazing cornstalks. Whether it be in fields or in round bales, cornstalks provide a resource to maintain cows and reduce...
There was no significant movement in hay prices during October based on USDA’s most recent Agricultural Prices report released last week. The All Hay price was $1 per ton lower at $162, still $21 hi...
There are a variety of ways to feed hay on pasture during the winter. In a new video that was authored and published by Dennis Hancock, University of Georgia Extension forage specialist, the economics of several bale-feeding systems are analyzed based on hay wastage and labor. The video can be viewed below...
Winter is, or soon will be, upon us. For producers, this brings winter feeding needs to the forefront. According to Glenn Selk, emeritus extension animal scientist at Oklahoma State University, estima...
Most livestock producers in the Fescue Belt know the potential toxicity risks of grazing or feeding Kentucky 31 tall fescue. One of the negative impacts on livestock is restricted blood flow res...
The onset of winter means digging into those stored forage inventories with the realization that any forage additions can only be accomplished in the form of outgoing cash.There are many good reasons...
As harvest begins to wind down for the season, winter grazing is starting to ramp up. Many producers are looking to fields of cornstalks as a forage source for their herds. But aside from cornstalks...
Weather extremes seem to characterize what is now a “normal” growing season, and 2018 was a year when nearly every region in the U.S. experienced excessive rainfall, scorching drought, or both.Suc...
We don’t always see a boost in hay prices during September, but that’s what occurred in 2018 based on USDA’s most recent Agricultural Prices report released last week. The All Hay price rose by...
Forages play a crucial role in equine diets, but variability in nutrient content among species can lead to challenges in diet formulation to meet a horse’s nutritional needs. Protein content is one...