Feb. 25, 2020
A few years ago, I gave a guest lecture on New Zealand forage grazing systems at a U.S. agricultural college...

Feb. 18, 2020
Hugh Aljoe has visited a lot of ranches and consulted with a lot of livestock producers in his role as the director of producer relations and as a pasture and range consultant with the Noble Research...

Feb. 4, 2020
Pick a cow . . . any cow. How tolerant is she to fescue toxicosis? The truth is: We don’t always know. But how great would it be if we did? I’m convinced that someday we will select bulls and...

Jan. 13, 2020
In the past, agriculture was a vocation learned mainly through family ties. However, little headway has been made to create practical, hands-on learning opportunities for individuals from non-ag backgrounds...

Jan. 13, 2020
In a recent Texas Range Webinar, Morgan Treadwell, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension range specialist, revealed a new approach to range management t...

Jan. 13, 2020
When it comes to providing forage for livestock in the winter, there are generally two methods: You can provide forage in the form of traditional hay, or you can feed it by grazing standing forage...

Jan. 13, 2020
Healthy pastures are the key to efficiently feeding beef cattle in the humid regions of the United States...

Jan. 7, 2020
We’ve all used rules of thumb in our daily decision-making processes. Such rules or axioms are generally helpful and, more often than not, result in favorable outcomes.Farming and ranching don’t l...

Dec. 17, 2019
In 1986, Carl Hoveland, former University of Georgia extension forage specialist, wrote, “The greatest opportunity for improving profitability in Southeastern beef production lies in stockering wean...

Nov. 27, 2019
Management-Intensive grazing (MiG) has become a commonplace practice among many livestock producers...