April 30, 2018
The high nutritive value of alfalfa makes it a valuable forage for ruminant animals. However, alfalfa producers are continually faced with balancing yield and quality during the growing season...

March 15, 2018
On-farm alfalfa hay yields as reported by the USDA have been flat for the past 20 to 30 years, whether considered nationally or in the major alfalfa growing states...

March 15, 2018
With the introduction of reduced-lignin alfalfa, some users are asking if pairing the product with brown midrib corn will result in too much digestible fiber...

March 15, 2018
The low futures prices for corn and soybeans have caused some farmers to consider alfalfa as a more profitable crop in 2018 than either grain...

March 6, 2018
For as long as I have been a forage agronomist and now a journalist, one question that continues to get asked each spring is, “Can I plant alfalfa after alfalfa?” Related to this inquiry is the qu...

Feb. 27, 2018
For as long as I have been a forage agronomist and now a journalist, one question that continues to get asked each spring is, “Can I plant alfalfa after alfalfa?”...

Jan. 30, 2018
A plethora of research activity is completed or ongoing examining the virtues and economics of the HarvXtra alfalfa trait. For the most part, this trait has proven to perform as advertised.Most of the...

Jan. 9, 2018
Drex Gauntt is not a farmer who fears technology. To the contrary — he embraces it as an income generator, a tool to more efficiently use water, a way to better manage his time, and for the benefit...

Dec. 19, 2017
The Saudi Arabian government has recently decided that it is okay for their women to drive cars. It’s part of an effort to boost the economy and overcome a widening budget deficit. Budget defic...

Dec. 12, 2017
“We need to think about alfalfa as a package of nutrients,” said Bill Weiss, Ohio State University Extension dairy nutritionist...