March 13, 2020
Whether you are in the business of growing and selling forages or feeding cattle, correctly assigning the economic value of forages can impact profitability...

March 12, 2020
Just like managing dairy cows, there is a lot more to putting water on crops than it looks...

March 10, 2020
What makes alfalfa such an interesting crop to study and try to understand is what also makes it so frustrating.I quit trying to predict alfalfa winterkill years ago...

Feb. 25, 2020
Whether you are in the business of growing and selling forages or feeding cattle, correctly assigning the economic value of forages can impact profitability...

Feb. 25, 2020
Craig Sheaffer has worked with alfalfa his entire academic career. The University of Minnesota researcher can reel off a bevy of advantages that alfalfa adds to a farm’s cropping and feeding systems...

Dec. 3, 2019
It’s here. No, I’m not talking about the traditional holiday season. Rather, I’m referring to the epicenter of the seed-buying season. Let’s face it, late-year seed purchases help ensure that...

Nov. 27, 2019
Water does not contribute to your forage economic value when balancing diets or pricing forage. Instead, the water is dried off, and it’s the grams (g) of nutrients and minerals per 100 g of total feed that drive the economic and nutritional value for your feed per ton...

Nov. 26, 2019
If you grow alfalfa, and if you grow corn for silage or grain, not taking advantage of the nitrogen provided by a terminated alfalfa crop is like flipping dollar bills into the toilet.Apparently, this...

Oct. 22, 2019
Alfalfa has been identified as one of the crops that is eligible for government payments to farmers as a result of the retaliatory tariffs imposed by China on agricultural crops — alfalfa hay among...

Oct. 15, 2019
Four years. That’s how long the HarvXtra trait has been in the alfalfa grower’s toolbox and likewise growing in farm fields. I know of at least one farmer who has 1,200 acres of HarvXtra alfalfa i...