Dec. 20, 2016
It’s often said that drastic times are cause for drastic measures. So what do you do when hay prices reach levels not seen in many years and you’re in the business of selling hay? That was...

Dec. 13, 2016
“Our failure rate was just too high,” said Dan Funke to those in attendance at the California Alfalfa & Forage Symposium.The veteran Larchwood, Iowa, haymaker was referring to his abilit...

Dec. 6, 2016
This has been a tough year for hay growers in the West.The basic economic principles of high carryover supplies coupled with more alfalfa acres, higher production, and lower domestic demand from dairi...

Nov. 29, 2016
How does a person who is long on desire, will, and motivation but short on capital enter the dairy business?Often it is by working on an established farm, but without a clear path to someday own...

Nov. 22, 2016
About this time each year, winter annuals rise from shadows of perennial forages and assume center stage in grazing systems across the South.“Winter grazing by virtue of winter annuals is our...

Nov. 15, 2016
We’ve again reached that time of year when a visit from the local co-op agronomist usually has nothing to do with checking the growing crop. Rather, he or she comes calling bearing gifts of new seed...

Nov. 9, 2016
Who doesn’t like a good debate?Perhaps one of the greatest learning and decision-making tools a person can employ is to take an opposite view, whether you believe it or not, and engage in debate...

Nov. 8, 2016
It’s Election Day — so what better time to address a forage topic that is wrought with opinion, controversy, and conflict.Through my years as an extension agent and now as the managing editor of a...

Nov. 6, 2016
Amidst the rolling hills of Lancaster County, Pa., you will find everything from state-of-the-art dairies to picturesque, modest-sized Amish and Mennonite farms...

Nov. 1, 2016
When I moved to Wisconsin in 1988, one of the things I noticed in short order was that baling hay of any size, shape, or type was a minimal, if not nonexistent summer activity on most dairy farms. Thi...