The author is the managing editor for Hay & Forage Grower.

June 7, 2016
Why is it that corn yields keep climbing to record levels year after year and perennial forage yields improve at a tortoise-like pace? Quite frankly, perhaps the biggest reason is simply...

May 31, 2016
Cutting height is important. That said, not one size fits all. This is because the carbohydrate reserves for regrowth are located in different plant parts, depending on the species in question...

May 24, 2016
In my former extension life, it was not unusual to receive a call from somebody wanting to know the “going rate” for (fill in the blank)...

May 18, 2016
The proof is always in the data, and Darrel Franson has plenty of that. Darrel Franson has spent the past 15 years renovating his pastures with novel, nontoxic fescue. He’s been entering numbe...

May 18, 2016
You only need to spend a few minutes talking to Al Wehner before you realize that he really enjoys life, especially his forage, cows, and family...

May 17, 2016
In the “Forage Shop Talk” feature of Hay & Forage Grower (January 2016), I asked grazing guru Jim Gerrish what he thought was the most common mistake still being made by those who...

May 10, 2016
Upon reading the title, your thoughts probably first moved to something along the lines of “You’re not kidding; it always rains right about the time I get the chopper (or baler) grease...

May 3, 2016
“Sometimes the method with the least expense ends up costing you the most,” says Brian Beer, an extension area livestock specialist for Clemson University. Beer proves his point in a recent...

April 27, 2016
Whether you’re cutting alfalfa in southern Vermont or northern California, one commonality across the miles is that first-cut alfalfa is different than all of the rest...

April 26, 2016
A dearth of public dollars to support alfalfa research was the emphasis behind the National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance (NAFA) instituting a new alfalfa checkoff program...