May 28, 2024
Warm-season annual forages are fast-growing, high-quality species that can supplement production and quality to support animal performance...

May 28, 2024
There is something charming about the colorful contrast of red cattle against the backdrop of green grass and a bright blue sky...

April 23, 2024
"Should I shred my pastures?” This is a question asked by many beef cattle and forage producers...

Jan. 29, 2024
This past fall, I had the opportunity to visit several different regions across the U.S. and drove many miles of two-lane roads around the countryside...

Jan. 25, 2024
In my role as an extension specialist, my team and I conduct many research trials related to grazing management and conserved forage production...

July 11, 2023
After attending the highly anticipated parades and firework displays, it may feel like the dog days of summer are on a downward trend toward the fall...

May 3, 2023
Resilience is a word that is often bandied around, but what exactly does it mean in relation to agriculture and forages? The Oxford Dictionary defines resilience as the “capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties.”...

May 2, 2023
It’s this time of year when grasses show us and tell us what they’re made of. They tell us what they like and what they don’t like. It seems some people never learn the language of grasses...

Feb. 19, 2021
Forty years is a long time to be doing one thing, but it would seem a lot longer if that thing was not truly relevant...

Nov. 10, 2020
I was fresh of out college in the late 1970s and found myself working on a large dairy and grain crop operation in southern Illinois...