Cool-season grass pastures are almost always going to go dormant and cease growth at some point during the summer. It’s a fact that most graziers live with, and the good ones have predetermined plan...
Grazing livestock is often depicted as animals out on lush, green pastures, moving periodically to new paddocks with even more lush, green forage. Although this is true, there is also the realit...
Frost-seeding season has begun, and it can sometimes be tempting to save a trip across the field by mixing the seed with dry fertilizer before broadcasting. Based on research at the University of Kent...
Cool-season annual grasses such as cereals and ryegrass are widely used at various times in the growing season, depending on location. In the South, they are often seeded in the fall for late-fall and...
MOMENTUM is a wonderful thing. We’ve all seen how positive momentum can bring something or someone from the dregs of defeat or extinction to the top of the hill by merely exerting a little positive energy that, over time, manifests itself into a lot of positive energy...
The annual release of hay and forage data by USDA that defines the previous year’s hay production and year-ending inventories arrived in email inboxes last Friday. The Crop Production and Crop...