To juice up the field day agenda I was attending, the organizers planned a round bale guessing game contest. One bale looked pretty normal while another was slumping worse than the Oakland Athle...
The temperature was approaching zero, and the January wind howled from the west across the bare Iowa cropland. There I was, facing west, with camera in hand and ready for the cows to be let out to get...
Really dry or really wet — it doesn’t matter because both conditions can be lethal to new spring alfalfa seedings. Depending on where you hang your hat, weather extremes on either end of the spect...
The hills of Wisconsin’s Driftless Region were masked in a smoky haze from wildfires burning much farther north. Earlier that morning, it had rained. It wasn’t the best of hay drying days. Even so, by late morning, Ray called and said it was a “go.”...
In his book, “Fundamentals of Weed Science,” author Robert Zimdahl relates a story about British General John B. Burgoyne. The British had planned to divide the states along the Hudson River. Burg...
Corn silage harvest season is upon us, and with that comes the opportunity to capitalize on the labor, management, and economic investment of prior months. Of course, that also means there is equal op...
As I sit here in the Bozeman, Mont., airport waiting for the Boeing 737 with my name attached to it, I’m pondering the fact that once again orchardgrass has been a big part of this trip. Both the co...
Extension specialists from North Dakota State University (NDSU) encourage farmers who plan to bale graze during late fall and winter to begin placing bales where they will be needed. Moving bales from...
Its complexities are many. It is both a blessing and a curse . . . loved and hated. Many have trouble living with it, but they would never engage the thought of living without it. This is the world of...