The author is the managing editor for Hay & Forage Grower.

April 11, 2023
A large majority of haymakers still utilize a forage conditioner on their mowers. These units are mostly out of sight, but they shouldn’t be out of mind.Back in my university extension days, we star...

April 4, 2023
Brock and Heidi Terrell are third-generation beef producers in northwest Nebraska. They don’t need convincing that strip grazing is the way to go when utilizing fall-grown cover crops for lactating...

April 4, 2023
Let’s be clear: Alfalfa doesn’t match perennial pasture when it comes to soil carbon storage, but it’s a whole lot better than annual row crops such as corn and soybeans.As the dairy industry mo...

March 31, 2023
Soap Lake borders Highway 17 to the east and a town by the same name to its south. Basalt cliffs define the lake with water that is said to contain 23 different minerals. Going back to when Native American tribes inhabited this area of Washington’s Columbia Basin, people have come to soak in the healing waters and lather themselves in the lake’s mud to cure what ails them...

March 30, 2023
For those in the business of food production, extreme weather events seem to stick to our brains like a tick on a long-haired dog. We just don’t forget . . . ever...

March 28, 2023
Custom rate guides are welcomed resources in those states that continue to do the survey legwork; unfortunately, many do not. Each year, eHay Weekly offers readers a one-stop shop for accessing custom...

March 28, 2023
Although the days of growing oats for horses have morphed into grandfather tales on most farms, the cereal grain remains a valuable and often-used species in the forage toolbox. Whenever fast forage t...

March 21, 2023
Winter cereal seedings from last fall have or will soon be greening the landscape. Their popularity from coast to coast as either a supplemental or foundational forage resource is now unde...

March 21, 2023
After some tough months of feeding hay on a regular basis, the thought of moving cattle to lush, green pastures seems enticing; however, realize that this a drastic change in an animal’s diet...

March 14, 2023
Feeding a higher percentage of forage in dairy cow diets is a strategy that’s growing in popularity as homegrown feeds become more cost-effective compared to high-priced commodities. High-forage die...