Feed prices have steadily increased year after year, placing an unwelcome burden on beef producers already struggling with tight margins. “Nutri-Graze helps producers get more out of their pasture resources – over 25% more per acre – reducing their feed bill come wintertime,” said Dr. Jeff Hill, product manager and ruminant nutritionist for Ralco.
A Central Minnesota cattle producer trialing the product commented, “I was shocked with the results we saw after using Nutri-Graze in a pasture that’s always struggled with short, thin grass. After only a month, we saw a dramatic improvement in the quality and thickness of the forage, so much so that I had neighbors asking me what kind of fertilizer I used. Out of the 72 cow-calf pairs grazing there last summer, only 2 cows ended up open. Nutri-Graze has been a game changer for us, and we intend to use it on all our pastures.”

Nutri-Graze has been thoroughly researched and shown to increase nutrient availability to plants. It uses proprietary Microbial Catalyst® and an organic carbon source to stimulate microbial activity and unlock enzymes that break down nutrients tied-up in the soil and release them in a plant available form. On average, soil tests show 6% more available carbon and 7.5% more available nitrogen.
Initial Nutri-Graze research studies show an average yield increase of 25.9% in treated pastures which equates to an additional 1,555 pounds of total dry matter (DM) per acre.
Additionally, Nutri-Graze pastures exhibited +4.77 percentage point increase in in-vitro true digestibility (IVTD) and +1.02 percentage point increase in crude protein. IVTD measures the total amount of available energy in forage to an animal.
“For beef producers looking for a way to reduce input costs and still provide nutritious feed for their herds, Nutri-Graze is the perfect solution,” said Dr. Hill.
Nutri-Graze is available in a 5-gallon case size and treats 40 acres of pasture. Simply mix 1 pint per acre of Nutri-Graze with 5-20 gallons of water and spray foliar to an actively growing pasture or forage crop. Nutri-Graze is compatible with most liquid products including liquid fertilizer and herbicide, and it’s safe to graze as soon as the product is dry on the pasture.
For more information on Nutri-Graze visit https://www.ralcoagriculture.com/getmorepasture or contact your local Ralco representative today.
About Ralco
Ralco is a third-generation family-owned multinational company with distribution in more than 40 countries. Ralco is a leading global provider of natural solutions that overcome producer challenges in plants and animals. Learn more at https://ralcoagriculture.com.