Seth Hoyt

Author of The Hoyt Report, providing hay market analysis and insight.

In some areas of the West, hay export companies are the main buyers of alfalfa hay. Alfalfa hay purchases by dairy buyers continue to be below normal. Normally before June 1, California dairy hay buyers would be contracting Utah and Nevada alfalfa hay. This year that is not the case. Contracts made over the past few weeks in these two states have been to export buyers for the Chinese market. The latest contract in northern Nevada last week was on 5,000 tons of Premium export alfalfa hay at $160 FOB stack for the season. It must test 170 RFV or higher, be GMO and verticillium wilt-free, cannot be rain damaged, and was going to China. Another contract in northern Nevada and two contracts in southern Utah two weeks ago were also for non-GMO alfalfa hay for China.