Grazing School is right around the corner! I love to talk about grazing management. For something that seems so simple, there are a lot of moving parts and interacting pieces. This year, the
Georgia Grazing School will be held on Sept. 15 and 16 in Carrollton, GA at the Carroll Co. Extension Office and Agri-Center (
map). Training will take place in both classroom and field settings. Multiple classroom lectures addressing plant and grazing management will be combined with a farm visit to a nearby grazing operation. Numerous hands-on learning opportunities and demonstrations of fencing and watering options will highlight valuable management practices for livestock producers. This two-day workshop will focus on soil fertility, forage crop establishment, plant growth, animal nutrient requirements, and management-intensive grazing (for more details, see the
Topics section on the Grazing School webpage and check back in a couple weeks for the complete agenda). Cost of the two-day program is $150 for the first person from each farm ($75/person for each additional person from each farm/family) and includes lunches and breaks on each day, dinner on the first night, and a grazing school handbook. Hurry to register, as space is limited and available on a first-come, first served basis. You can
register online. Alternatively, you can call or email Cathy Felton in our office from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. to register over the phone (706-310-3464).
For more information on the Grazing School, other upcoming events, and forage management issues, visit or contact your local county Extension Office at 1-800-ASK-UGA1.