The newest development from the ongoing John Deere-Granular product development and marketing collaboration is Profit Maps, now available to farmers in the John Deere Operations Center. Profit Maps is a free tool to help farmers view average cost, revenue and profit map layers at the sub-field level in the Operations Center.
Harley Janssen, product manager with Granular, says Profit Maps combines the power of machine and production data in the Operations Center with Granular’s business management capabilities to help farmers more quickly and easily view sub-field level profitability.
“Understanding a farm’s financial health at the field level is one of the most important jobs of every producer,” Janssen explains. “Profit Maps is a free tool that goes a step further and helps farmers assess the financial return on farming practices at a more granular sub-field level.”
Brad Silva, product manager with John Deere, adds, “Technology advancements have helped farmers to turn variability across their fields into opportunities to improve their profitability. Profit Maps helps farmers see the financial impact of those decisions so that they can fine-tune their management practices.”
Profit Maps is the first release of a multi-phased approach from the Deere and Granular collaboration. Farmers in the U.S. can opt-in to Profit Maps by clicking the Granular Profit Maps icon on the tools menu in the Operations Center. From there, they can view average cost, revenue and profit maps in the Operations Center’s Field Analyzer tool.
For more information on the new Profit Maps and other business management tools available through John Deere and Granular, contact your local John Deere dealer or visit granular.ag/granular-profit-maps and myjohndeere.com.