Kubota Tractor Corporation today announced that Vicon hay tool equipment and pendulum spreaders will now be distributed and serviced by Kubota dealers in the United States. Kubota Corporation acquired Kverneland Group, Vicon’s parent company, in 2013. The rebrand of Vicon products to the Kubota brand is the latest development in the company’s growth strategy to deliver on its vision to offer full-service equipment to Kubota customers across product lines.
“Vicon customers are now officially part of the Kubota family,” said David Palmer, Kubota senior product manager. “We want to extend a warm welcome to our Vicon customers and ensure they have access to us from the start. The long-term value of Vicon’s products, along with the quality of Kubota parts and service, will continue under the trusted Kubota brand name.”
Kubota’s Customer Satisfaction team stands ready to help existing Vicon customers with any questions they may have regarding this announcement by calling (888) 4-KUBOTA or (888) 458-2682. Customers can also locate their nearest Kubota dealer at KubotaUSA.com/find-a-dealer.
About Kubota Tractor Corporation
Kubota Tractor Corporation, Grapevine, Texas, is the U.S. marketer and distributor of Kubota-engineered and manufactured machinery and equipment, including a complete line of tractors of up to 170 Gross hp, performance-matched implements, compact and utility-class construction equipment, consumer lawn and garden equipment, hay tools and spreaders, commercial turf products and utility vehicles. For product literature or dealer locations, contact: Kubota Tractor Corporation, 1000 Kubota Drive, Grapevine, TX 76051, (888) 4-KUBOTA [(888) 458-2682], Ext. 900, or visit KubotaUSA.com.
Kubota Tractor Corporation supplies products and services to United States residents only. Kubota Tractor Corporation reserves the right to change the stated specifications without notice. These comparisons are for descriptive purposes only and do not provide any express or implied warranty of any nature, including any warranty of merchantability or for a particular purpose. For complete operational information, the operator's manual should be consulted. Kubota strongly recommends the use of a Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) and seat belt in almost all applications. For information regarding Kubota products or services outside the United States, see Kubota Corporation's global website.